Sunday, May 8, 2011

San Francisco - so far

Having been in San Francisco for 2 days, I figure I should jot down my feelings of this city so far.  I have been taking pictures, but don't have a way to download them, so you'll just have to wait until I get home for those.

1) SFO (airport) needs to make getting your luggage easier...I hoofed it all through the airport (following the baggage signs) only to miss it.  I did finally find it, but DAMN.  The conveyor belt walkway was awesome though.  I don't NEED to use it, but did because it looked like fun.  Also, having the BART show up right at the airport was very convenient.

2)BART overall, very similar to the Metro in Montreal (born and raised there, so no stranger to that) and somewhat similar to the C-train in Calgary.  They definitely need to fix their announcements of the stations.  I almost missed my stop (would have definitely been an adventure then!).  Also, similarly to Montreal, not very luggage friendly.  Why yes, I love lugging my luggage up stairs and escalators ;)  Could be worse, though.

3) Mission.  Wow.  I am so glad that I am staying here.  It is gorgeous!  Reminds me a lot of Montreal, only with less french and more spanish.  Tonnes of awesome little shops that I want to explore in a bit, when things are more open.  There is a little shop that carries a plethora of books, herbs etc that also has some very funky pottery things.  I might go home with a piece of that, we'll see.  The Inn that I am staying at is fabulous!  Very comfy, antique-y and cosy.  The view from the roof top (you have to climb a wrought iron spiral staircase to access it) is awesome, and the English garden is stunning.  I would very much like to thank my wonderful sister and brother in law (who shall remain nameless in case they prefer the anonymity) for choosing this place.  It is awesome!

4) Family.  My sister and brother in law just had their first child on Friday.  I was coming down here to be the birth (and perhaps post partum) doula originally.  Well, my nephew had plans of his own.  He was originally due on the 12th of May, making my visit timing awesome.  I got a phone call on the morning of may 5th from my sister in law telling me she was in labour!  Long story short, she had her baby on Friday, May 6th, one day before I arrived.  He shares my husbands' birthday, and he is a very sweet, good natured baby, and they let me hold him!  Holding such a new life is a rare and wonderful occurrence in our culture.  My role has now changed to being a post partum doula.  I will do the best I can for them.  My sister in law is a fabulous mother, and her husband is a wonderful father.  There is no doubt in my mind that this child is well loved and his parents are absolutely devoted to him.  I never doubted them at all, but it is awesome to see it happening.  Being there in the beginning to see the bonding happen is a very magical, humbling experience, and I feel blessed that they have allowed me to be here to see their family grow and unfold.

I miss my husband terribly, as I always do when we are apart, but I know he'll be just as happy to see me as I him when I get back home.

So far, San Francisco = win.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're having a good time. Looking forward to lots of photographs!
