Saturday, August 18, 2012

I am a Spartan.

It all started in about April.  A coworker of mine told me about a race she had signed up for called the Spartan Race, specifically the Sprint.  I went to the website, read the blurb and watched the video.  I was hooked.  I signed up that night.

Now, I am not a runner.  Never have been.  I don't run, unless there is something chasing me that wants  me dead, or I'm going to save someone.  The last time I ran any race was in elementary school when I did the road race on Mount Royal, in Montreal.

Lets just say, that I didn't train.  I showed up.  I raced.  I finished.  That was enough.  I am going to sign up for next year, but I will train more  (that means, I'll actually train.)

This race is not just a "regular road race".  It is an obstacle race.  I went up hills, and down hills.  Just when I thought I couldn't do any more damn hills...I did.  I ran through mud pits.  Sticky gross mud.  I climbed over tractor tires.  Bunny hopped through tires.  Walked balance beams.  Climbed over/under walls.  Pulled myself up slick wooden walls of doom.  Crawled on the packed mud (rocks!) underneath barbed wire.  Pulled a cinder block in a loop.  Not in that order, but I did it all.  I did burpees when I fell off the lateral wall climb.  I did burpees when my javelin didn't stick in the hay bales.  I got whacked by gladiators at the finish.  But, I finished.  It was EPIC.

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