Monday, January 31, 2011

Cherry Post

Well, today is "balls to the wall" cold, as my husband would say.  We started out this lovely monday morning at a balmy -33C, and that's without windchill.  We are currently sitting at a wonderful -23C.  I take comfort in the fact that it is sunny, at the very least.

With that weather report, my intended plan of taking pictures of things outside today went completely out the window.  Instead, I made due with inside natural light.  I'm not a wonderful photographer in the first place, so I doubt it makes much of a difference.

This blog will (eventually) contain a multitude of things, ranging from knitting, spinning (I hope!), food (maybe) and things I find interesting re: babies and childbirth.  Also, anything else that I feel like at the time.

My sister in law and her husband, who are some rad photographers (  check it out) have a thing where they post their "tech specs" at the bottom of their photos.  And so, I shall do the same with my knitting.

That being said, let's get this party started.

These are my first knitted (fitting) socks ever, and also my January socks.

As you can see, the are a little wonky from my crappy blocking job, but maybe that will make my case for sock blockers more relevant.  Also, they are a tad too large, so my next pair will be a smaller needle size.  I knit very tightly, so don't be too shocked when you find out how large my needles were.

The pattern is Diamond Gansey Socks, from Socks from the Toe Up by Wendy Johnson.  Knit on 2 2.75mm 16" circs.  Yarn is Orchid by Shi Bui.

Here you can see the seed stitch borders a little better and the slip stitch heel.  A little weird looking but pretty good.  The colours don't show up as nicely as I'd want them to, but I will wait for a milder day to shoot them outdoors against some snow.

I am quite pleased by them, and can't wait to cast on my second pair of socks.

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